The tender for the design and execution of the Băneasa (Tokyo station) – Otopeni Airport metro section will be launched next week, the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Transport, Ionel Scrioșteanu, announced today. The decision to continue the line to Otopeni Airport comes after the Government approved a Memorandum on 2 October to unblock the project. Previously, former Transport Minister Cătălin Drulă had presented concrete data showing that the investment was not profitable and that priority should be given to lines serving a larger population base, such as the M 5 Eroilor – Pantelimon or the M 4 Gara de Nord – Gara Progresu (at the exit from Bucharest to Giurgiu, an objective proposed for funding by the PNRR).
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Secretary of State Ionel Scrioșteanu said that the documentation for the Băneasa – Otopeni section had already been sent to the National Agency for Public Procurement (NAPP), which had made comments: Immediately after the Romanian Government approved the Memorandum proposed by the Ministry of Transport for the continuation of the M 6 metro line to Otopeni, Metrorex uploaded the procedure into the Electronic Public Procurement System, and the tendering procedure was launched. The National Agency for Public Procurement (NAAP) gave a conditional opinion, with a few minor changes to the documentation, which is being implemented, and the tender will be published as soon as possible, probably next week. “, Secretary of State Scrioșteanu announced. For the Gara de Nord – 1 Mai – Otopeni line, Romania has over €500 million in non-repayable funding from the European Union (deadline December 2023) and a further €300 million loan taken out 10 years ago from the Bank of Japan. For the first section, Gara de Nord- Băneasa, in July Metrorex appointed the Turkish firm Alsim Alarko – Makyol as the winner of the tender for the design and execution of the first six stations of the M6 1 Mai- Băneasa – Otopeni Airport Magistrale. The tender was launched in March 2019. It concerns Lot 1.1: Design and execution of station and tunnel resistance structure, for a gallery at the existing 1 Mai station, but also for stations at Pajura, Expoziției, Montreal, Băneasa Station, Băneasa Airport, Tokyo station and gallery – tunnel 1 Mai – Tokyo. Alsim Alarko also won the tender after re-evaluation. The estimate for the signing of the contract after completion of the procedures is early next year, added Secretary of State Ionel Scrioșteanu.