BREAKING Iohannis: From May 15, the wearing of mask outdoors will be eliminated (with a few exceptions), traffic restrictions at night will be removed, shops will return to normal hours / Weddings and baptisms without restrictions if all participants are vaccinated

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President Klaus Iohannis announced on Thursday substantial easing of restrictive measures. He presented a schedule of measures, with the beginning of May 15, when the obligation to wear a mask is lifted, traffic restrictions at night are eliminated, and stores can return to normal operating hours.

President Iohannis’ main statements:

  • We talked about the pandemic, the vaccination campaign, and the relaxation measures
  • We owe a debt of gratitude to the medical staff
  • It must be very clear to everyone that we are already in full preparation for a post-pandemic Romania. If we all get vaccinated, the pandemic will end
  • I do not want the post-pandemic Romania to be identical to the one before the pandemic. We suffered a lot, we learned a lot, we have the chance to make a better Romania
  • It’s time to make reforms, to have safer schools, a safer health system, where the economy is growing, where we are investing, where wages are rising
  • We have had an encouraging evolution in recent weeks, the number of patients has decreased, the number of people in ICU has decreased, and so has the number of deaths from Covid.
  • The vaccination campaign has picked up speed: we have over 100,000 people vaccinated every day and we have already come a long way, but much more is needed.
  • If we want to get out of the pandemic, we need to get vaccinated
  • In today’s meeting, we adopted several vaccination targets: 5 million people vaccinated by June 1st, 7 million people vaccinated by August 1st
  • We are preparing for the  relaxation of restrictions, but a cautious relaxation, with a calendar that allows us to resume many activities
  • We will have a step-by-step relaxation, we have developed the calendar with these steps until September 1.
  • If we want more relaxation, we must respect the measures in force and get vaccinated
  • The concrete relaxation measures we have discussed are:
  • The first stage of relaxation begins on May 15, the next stage is June 1, then July 1 and August 1
    Beginning May 15, the wearing of mask outdoors will no longer be mandatory, with a few exceptions (markets, fairs, public transport stations, means of public transport)
  • As of May 15, night-time circulation restrictions will be removed, and store operating hours restrictions will be eliminated
  • Beginning June 1st, at weddings, baptisms, festive meals will be allowed again, within the following limits, without  further restrictions – a maximum of 70 people can participate outdoors, and a maximum of 50 people can participate indoors, provided that the organizer guarantees that all people participating are vaccinated
  • In gyms, if the organizer guarantees that all participants are vaccinated, the number of people may increase
  • Schools: we keep the norms related to the incidence rate (the three scenarios). It is foreseeable that most localities will enter the green scenario and most students will physically return to schools. So the rules so far still apply to schools. It is very likely that the school year will end with all students in school

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