What Romanians want for Christmas: Household appliances, holidays, phones

cadouri, craciun Foto: Pexels

Health, loved ones at home, peace, and normality are the main wishes of Romanians this year, according to an Omnibus survey conducted by IZIdata in December to find out what Romanians want for their Christmas presents. In terms of items, the top of the wish list are household appliances, holidays, and phones. The survey is conducted on a nationally representative digital population.

Health, loved ones, peace and normality are the main wishes of Romanians this year, the study shows. Health is desired by 73% of respondents, followed by 55% who want their loved ones to be with them, and peace of mind is mentioned by 49%. In the same top we find love (35% of respondents), and in last place success, with 18%.

When it comes to material things, Romanians try to replace old objects or plan a getaway from work. Basically, we have 29% of Romanians wanting appliances, followed by 28% who are hunting for a holiday, and 25% of respondents are thinking about replacing their phones. The latter are turning to the idea of bringing a new vibe to their wardrobe, where we have 22% saying they want new clothes and 17% shoes.

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Given the pandemic context, Romanians are more balanced this year when it comes to their Christmas gift budget. Thus, most Romanians allocate only 100 lei, i.e. 31% of those who responded, followed by 27% of Romanians who allocate between 201 and 500 lei. Meanwhile, 24% are willing to contribute 100-200 lei, and the last category is represented by those who offer more than 500 lei for gifts, i.e. 18% of respondents.

Health, loved ones at home, peace, and normality are the main wishes of Romanians this year, according to an Omnibus survey conducted by IZIdata in December to find out what Romanians want for their Christmas presents. In terms of items, top of the wish list are household appliances, holidays and phones. The survey is conducted on a nationally representative digital population.

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Health, loved ones, peace and normality are the main wishes of Romanians this year, the study shows. Health is desired by 73% of respondents, followed by 55% who want their loved ones to be with them, and peace of mind is mentioned by 49%. In the same top we find love (35% of respondents), and in last place success, with 18%.

When it comes to material things, Romanians try to replace old objects or plan a getaway from work. Basically, we have 29% of Romanians wanting appliances, followed by 28% who are hunting for a holiday, and 25% of respondents are thinking about replacing their phone. The latter are turning to the idea of bringing a new vibe to their wardrobe, where we have 22% saying they want new clothes and 17% shoes.

Given the pandemic context, Romanians are more balanced this year when it comes to their Christmas gift budget. Thus, most Romanians allocate only 100 lei, i.e. 31% of those who responded, followed by 27% of Romanians who allocate between 201 and 500 lei. Meanwhile, 24% are willing to contribute 100-200 lei, and the last category is represented by those who offer more than 500 lei for gifts, i.e. 18% of respondents.

IZIdata Omnibus survey, conducted in December 2021 on a nationally representative 15+ digitalized population, online methodology (self-administered questionnaires). Sample size N=1004.