Car sales business has grown by 40.9% in the first 5 months of the year (INS)

Dacia, Mioveni Sursa foto: Uzina Dacia-Mioveni / Imagine oficială

The volume of sales in motor vehicles and motorcycles increased, on a gross basis, by 40.9%, in the first five months compared to the same period of the previous year, and the volume of turnover in market services provided to the population increased, as gross series, by 27.6%, according to data published on Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) and quoted by Agerpres.

Thus, between January 1 and May 31, 2021 compared to the similar period of 2020, the volume of turnover in wholesale and retail trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, gross series, recorded a turnover higher by 40 , 9%, influenced by the increase of the turnover at: the trade with motorcycles, parts and afferent accessories; maintenance and repair of motorcycles (+ 59.0%), trade in motor vehicles (+ 51.1%), trade in parts and accessories for motor vehicles (+ 31.8%) and maintenance and repair activities of motor vehicles (+20.7%) %).

Between 1 January and 31 May 2021 compared to the same period in 2020, the volume of turnover in wholesale and retail trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, series adjusted according to the number of working days and seasonality, increased by 36.5%.

The activity of market services provided to the population, gross series, in the first five months of this year registered a turnover by 27.6% higher compared to January 1-31, 2020, influenced by the increase of turnover at: services hairdressing and other beauty treatment (+ 59.5%), hotel and restaurant activities (+ 33.9%), gambling and other recreational activities (+ 25.8%) and washing and cleaning activities ( dry goods) and textile products (+ 12.9%). The activities of tourist agencies and tour operators decreased (-7.5%).

The activity of market services provided to the population, series adjusted according to the number of working days and seasonality, between January 1 and May 31, 2021, registered a turnover 20.0% higher compared to the similar period of 2020.

According to the INS, the total turnover in wholesale and retail trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, gross series, in May 2021, compared to the previous month, increased by 12.9%, due to increases registered in the trade in motor vehicles (+ 18.1%), trade in motorcycles, related parts and accessories; maintenance and repair of motorcycles (+ 15.9%), maintenance and repair activities of motor vehicles (+6.7) and trade in parts and accessories for motor vehicles (+ 4.7%).

The total turnover in wholesale and retail trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, series adjusted according to the number of working days and seasonality, in May 2021, compared to the previous month, increased by 6.8%.

Regarding the gross market services provided to the population in May 2021, compared to the previous month, the volume of turnover increased by 27.5%, due to the increases registered in gambling and other recreational activities. (+ 79.6%), the activities of hotels and restaurants (+ 18.8%) and the activities of tourist agencies and tour operators (+ 17.1%). Hairdressing and other beautification services (-2.9%) and washing and cleaning (dry) of textiles and fur products (-0.2%) decreased.

The volume of turnover from market services provided to the population adjusted  for the number of working days and seasonality, in May 2021, compared to the previous month, registered an increase of 16.8%.

INS data show that the total gross turnover in wholesale and retail trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, in May 2021, compared to May 2020, increased by 72.0%, due to the increases registered in the trade in motor vehicles (+ 106.5%), the trade in parts and accessories for motor vehicles (+ 41.8%), the maintenance and repair activities of motor vehicles (+ 36.5%) and in the trade in motorcycles, parts and accessories therefor; maintenance and repair of motorcycles (+ 18.7%).

The total volume of gross turnover in wholesale and retail trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, series adjusted according to the number of working days and seasonality, in May 2021, increased by 68.3% compared to from May 2020.

According to the INS, the activity of market services provided to the population, gross series, in May 2021, registered a turnover by 298.8% higher compared to May 2020, due to the increases registered in the gambling and other recreational activities (+ 3736.7%), the activities of tourist agencies and tour operators (+ 306.0%), the activities of hotels and restaurants (+ 225.5%), hairdressing services and other beauty activities (+ 106.5%) and at washing and cleaning (dry) activities of textiles and fur products (+ 52.8%).

The activity of market services provided to the population, adjusted according to the number of working days and seasonality, in May 2021 increased by 273.4%, compared to May 2020.

Translated from Romanian by Service For Life S.R.L.

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