Cemacon, controlled by brothers Dragoș and Adrian Pavăl, owners of Dedeman, net profit of 42.6 million lei in the first nine months of the year

Liviu Stoleru Sursa foto: Cemacon

Building materials manufacturer Cemacon, controlled by brothers Dragoș and Adrian Pavăl, owners of Dedeman, achieved a 40% increase in turnover in the third quarter of 2021, compared to similar periods in previous years.

As of September 30, 2021, Cemacon records an operating profit of 54.4 million lei and a net profit of 42.6 million lei.

But according to the company, the rising prices of raw materials and energy, as well as variable expenses at the logistics level have put pressure on the entire production sector in the construction market, generating price increases at all major players.

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“We have a net profit of 42 million lei at the end of Q3, but more important for us at this time is that we have completed investments that will have a positive impact on our business in the long term. The co-generation plant we installed this year provides us with up to 64% of the electricity consumed, with our company only purchasing the difference of 36% of the total domestic consumption. Capitalizing now is part of our long-term strategy, through which we will continue our investment projects in increasing production capacity and efficiency, as well as in developing expertise and employee retention in the company”, said Liviu Stoleru, Managing Director and Chairman of the Board of Cemacon SA.

The change in inventories records lower values compared to the previous period, as a result of the gap between the quantities produced and sold in the third quarter of 2021 and the favourable market context. The amounts relating to other gains and losses highlight the cancellation of provisions set up in the previous year.

Thus, at the end of the period ended 30 September 2021, the company’s net assets increased by 18% compared to the end of 2020, exceeding the amount of RON 223 million.

Brothers Dragoș and Adrian Pavăl control Cemacon through Pavăl Holding, which holds 77.8% of the shares, and Pif Industrial, with 16.7%.

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