ClusterPower begun the construction of the Craiova data centre

ClusterPower Data Center 1

Romanian startup ClusterPower started work in July on the largest data center in Romania and the first hyperscale data center in the region, in Mischii, Dolj county, the company said in a statement.

The first phase of the project involves the construction of the utilities infrastructure necessary for the operation of the IT equipment, including the pouring of the foundation, the construction of the power plant and the first of five units that will equip the data center. The data center will become the strongest regional communications hub with direct fiber optic links to Frankfurt and Amsterdam and connections to 750 data centers worldwide. Work on the first module is expected to be completed in December 2021. At this stage, around 40 people are working on site.

“We are delighted to announce the start of the work on this project, which will enable us to offer our customers and partners an infrastructure with broad applicability that can help accelerate the digitalization of the economy and increase competitiveness in research, education and industry. We have with us some of the most prestigious and experienced engineers and equipment suppliers in the world, which strengthens our conviction that our investment will be a landmark in Romania’s development. The teams involved in the project come from Romania, USA, Germany, UK, Austria, Czech Republic and related global support centers. We are just at the beginning, but when the first phases of construction is complete, ClusterPower will become the largest Cloud and Compute provider in Eastern Europe”, says Cosmin Georgescu, founder and CEO of ClusterPower.

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The general contractor for the construction works is the company General Security from Cluj-Napoca and the general contractor for the IT equipment and utilities infrastructure is the company Bit Invest Târgoviște. For the cloud infrastructure, ClusterPower has signed agreements with companies such as NVidia, HP, NetApp, Cisco Systems, F5, Palo Alto Networks, Exagrid, Schneider, Vertiv, and York. The equipment to be installed in the power plant will be supplied by Rolls Royce – MTU, General Electric, Hitachi ABB.

The technology park ClusterPower  covers an area of 25,000 sqm and will create a one-stop-shop Artificial Intelligence infrastructure center developed with global leader Nvidia. The campus will feature a high-performance computing infrastructure needed to develop cutting-edge, high-value digital solutions. Operational security will be based on Tier III security standards in partnership with the Uptime Institute. The data center energy efficiency (PUE) will be 1.1, which will place the technology park in the top ranks of the global industry.

ClusterPower was founded in 2019 by three Romanian entrepreneurs: Cosmin Georgescu, Vladimir Ester and Carmen Ursa Georgescu. Cosmin Georgescu, CEO of ClusterPower, is an energy expert with 15 years of management experience and 20 years of experience in energy infrastructure and complex technology projects. Vladimir Ester, CTO ClusterPower, is an expert in IT infrastructure and services and has been working for 15 years in the technology field and developing large-scale IT projects. Carmen Ursa Georgescu, CCO ClusterPower is an expert in international relations and has 12 years of experience in global projects with presence on several continents. The three founders are EMBA Asebuss and Kenesaw State University graduates and hold prestigious majors corresponding to their expertise.