The Road Company reopened, yesterday, the traffic on National Road DN 67 C – Transalpina, the road that reaches the highest altitude in the country, 2,145 meters, in Urdele Pass.
On the altitude section, between Ranca and Obarsia Lotrului, the road traffic is allowed in the following conditions: the traffic can be done exclusively during the day, between 07.00 – 21.00, with restriction for trucks and with a speed limit of 30 km / h on serpentines, informs the Romanian Police. Transalpina has a length of 150 kilometers, connects Oltenia and Transylvania, it starts from Novaci, Gorj County, and reaches Sebeş, Alba County.
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On the second-highest road in the country, National Road DN 7 C – Transfăgărăşan, the traffic still cannot be reopened. The Brasov Regional Road, which manages the Cârţişoara – Bâlea Lac section in Sibiu County, has about a kilometer of snow removal, the snow layer from 2,000 meters being still very large, in some places even 4-5 meters thick. According to the Operating Regulations, DN 7 C (the section Cabana Capra – Bâlea Lac- Bâlea Cascadă) could be completely reopened at the beginning of July.