Romanian Post allows access without the Green Certificate in post offices

posta romana Sursa foto: Posta Romana, Facebook

The Romanian National Post Company announces that it will allow customers full access to the universal service in all postal subunits, in safe conditions, in the context of additional measures to limit the spread of SARS-Cov-2 infection.

Romanian Post states that it is exempted from the provisions establishing the obligation to present the Green Certificate, due to the nature of its activity as a universal postal service provider.

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“All Romanian Post customers, who have problems to solve at post offices, can enter the premises of our subunits without presenting the Green Certificate. Pensioners and parents can collect their pensions and allowances as they have done so far! Therefore, when entering the offices, we do not require the presentation of the Green Certificate proving that you have been vaccinated, tested or cured of SARS-CoV-2 infection,” the institution says in a statement.

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For safety, however, the Post Office requires:

  • Wear your protective mask correctly, which should cover your mouth and nose;
  • To disinfect your hands, both on entry and exit, using the disinfectant provided in the postal subunit;
  • Observe the one-person rule on the premises;
  • Observe the social distance of at least 2 m between people when waiting at the entrance.