Germany is Romania’s top trading partner, from which our country brings the largest imports of goods, but to which it also sends the largest exports, according to Eurostat data.
About 21% of Romania’s imports of goods, worth 16.7 billion euros, comes from Germany. Italy also sends goods worth 7.2 billion euros (9.2%), and from Hungary, we import a value of 5.9 billion euros (7%), according to Eurostat data for 2020. China is placed only in the fourth position, Romania importing goods worth 5.1 billion euros, followed by Poland, from where we import about 5 billion euros.
Regarding the destination for Romanian’s exports, the main countries are Germany (23%, 14.1 billion euros), Italy (11%, 6.7 billion euros), France (7%, 4.2 billion euros), Hungary ( 5%, 3.1 billion euros) and Poland (4%, 2.3 billion euros).
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In 2020, the EU imported more goods from China (22% of imports of goods) than anywhere else and exported the most to the United States (18% of the export of goods).