Lot two of the A10 Sebeș – Turda highway has entered the final stretch after the builder completed the asphalting on all 24 kilometers between Alba Iulia Nord and Aiud, and the opening of traffic will be possible in a few weeks, announces former Transport Minister Cătălin Drulă, in a post on his Facebook page. However, according to Economedia the works are not yet completed, the Oiejdea landslide area (about 500 meters near Alba Iulia-Nord) remains one-way, and two other passages and the ramps over the secondary roads are still without the final state of asphalt. A deadline that the road company is considering for the opening is 1 December, on National Day, with the opening of traffic also influenced by weather conditions.
Under these conditions, Drulă gives assurances that by the end of the year we could drive from Sibiu and Deva to Cluj Napoca only on the highway, with the opening of Lot 2 of the A10.
“A10 SEBEȘ-TURDA + A3 TG. MUREȘ HAVE ENTERED A STRAIGHT LINE. The final asphalt layer has been laid on the entire length of the 2 sections. Final works are currently being carried out on the parapets, markings, protective fencing and ditches. At the other end of the spectrum is the 24km lot 2 of the A10 Highway, a contract that begun in 2014 and it’s celebrating its 7th anniversary this year. The invoice for this disaster would not have been possible had it not been for the poor design, incompetence shown by the administration to clear the site and a constructor who only “woke-up” up in the 13th hour. Knowing full well the history of the A10 Sebeș-Turda, I decided at the beginning of the year that I wanted to close this circle of 5 consecutive transport ministers who said “This year Sebeș-Turda lot 2 will open”. I have personally monitored the progress of the site from the daily quantities of asphalt laid to the technical solutions on the Oiejdea hill. Despite the attempts of some political leaders to mystify the reality, by the end of this year we will be driving on a continuous highway from Cluj to Sibiu or Deva, leaving behind the endless traffic jams in Teiuș, Aiud and Alba Iulia”, wrote Drulă.
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The former transport minister stressed that by the end of the year the Austrian construction firm Strabag will complete work on the 9 km section between Târgu Mureș and Ungheni on the Transylvania Highway: “The almost 10 km sector near Targu Mureș is an example of “Yes, we can”. Construction started in July 2020 and will be completed in less than a year and a half. The thorough preparation of the project in conjunction with a serious constructor shows that we can build highways quickly and well, and I hope we will replicate these experiences much more often in the future.”
On the other hand, Drulă made no reference to lot 2 of the Craiova-Pitești Express Road, where UMB is working, the segment between Balș and Slatina (40 km) which is at about 90% physical stage. In September, at the review presented after his resignation from the Government, he said that there was a good chance of opening traffic even with certain restrictions if the weather was favorable for construction work
Lot 2 of the A10 Sebeș Turda highway filmed 4 days ago (the overpass at Oiejdea is at min. 2, and at min. 5 the works on the shoulder of a county road)