The Association of Romanian Pork Producers (APCPR) estimates for the next months an increase of at least 25% in consumer prices. Such an increase would be caused by the massive increase in imports, in the context of an internal market affected by swine fever virus, and by the high price of feed, which affects the cost of production, reports.
”The Association of Romanian Pork Producers (APCPR) signals major differences between the prices paid to farmers in the European Union countries, compared to Romania where, although there is a historical minimum value for pigs at the farm gate, the Romanian consumer pays products at European level costs. Given that African Swine Fever (ASF) continues to evolve aggressively in Romania, the trade balance is strongly affected by massive imports, and the cost of production is significantly affected by the high price of feed (25% higher in 2021 compared to 2020). The APCPR estimates for the coming months and increase of at least 25% of consumer prices “, the association shows.
Representatives of the association now produce only 30% of the total fresh pork consumption.
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“In the context in which APCPR produces only 30% of the consumption of fresh pork, the pork sector feels an acute lack of funding and concrete measures to control and combat PPA, we ask the Prime Minister and the Government of Romania to intervene with urgency, in order to implement the necessary measures to protect the local farms producing pork and to ensure food security in the medium and long term “, the association also shows.
The Association of Pork Producers of Romania (APCPR), founded in 1991, is the association of pig farmers in Romania that represents and supports the interests of commercial farms for the production of pork, veterinary authorized, in relation to local and central public authorities at national and European standards. The APCPR provides about 70% of the national production of live pigs and currently has 76 members – pig farms, of which 34 have the capacity to raise over 5,000 pigs, and 12 companies providing services for the pork industry and teaching units and research.