Apartment prices continued to rise in June in all major cities in Romania

locuinta, casa, imobiliar Sursa foto: ING

The prices of the apartments (new and old) put up for sale in Romania remained on an upward trend in June, with the lowest growth margin being recorded in Timișoara, and the highest in Bucharest.

Compared to market segments, in Brașov and Bucharest more important variations took place in the case of apartments in old blocks of flats, while, in the rest of the cities, the newly built houses appreciated more, according to the imobiliare.ro index.


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During June, the prices of apartments available for sale in the largest city in the country experienced an overall increase of 2.8%, from an average of 1,484 euros per usable square meter to 1,525 euros per square meter.

Owners’ expectations were higher in both market segments analyzed: homes in the old blocks of flats appreciated by 3.5% (from 1,415 euros per square meter to 1,465 euros per square meter), and housing units in the new ones residential complexes registered an increase of 1.2% (from 1,543 to 1,561 euros per square meter).


In the city center, there was an overall 1.1% increase in apartment prices, from 1,360 euros per useful square meter at the end of May to 1,375 euros per square meter at the end of June. A positive evolution could be observed, however, only in the case of homes in the old blocks of flats, which appreciated by 1.6%, from 1,284 to 1,305 euros per square meter. On the other hand, new homes in Brasov became cheaper by 1.2%, from 1,474 to 1,456 euros per square meter.

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In the capital of Transylvania, the expectations of apartment sellers increased by 2.3% during June, reaching an average listing value of 1,953 euros per usable square meter (from 1,910 euros per square meter at the end of May ). In the city on the Someș river, house prices in the old blocks of flats increased by 1.8% (from 1,898 to 1,932 euros per square meter), while the units in the new complexes recorded an advance of 2.8% (from 1,921 to 1,975 euros per square meter).


In June, the average listing value of apartments for sale in the seaside town increased by 2.6%, from 1,298 euros per usable square meter to 1,332 euros per square meter. Here, too, prices increased on both market segments analyzed, but to a different extent: old apartments appreciated by 2% (from 1,309 to 1,335 euros per square meter), and newly built housing units , by 3.5% (from 1,283 to 1,328 euros per square meter).


In the city in the northeast of the country, the Imobiliare.ro Index recorded, as a whole, an advance of 2% in the first month of summer, from an average of 1,082 euros per useful square meter, to 1,104 euros per square meter. In June 2021, house prices in old blocks of flats increased by 0.9%, from 1,105 to 1,115 euros per square meter. On the segment of newly built apartments, on the other hand, there was an advance of 2.6%, from an average of 1,068 euros per square meter to 1,096 euros per square meter.


In the city in the southwest of the country, the average listing value of an apartment increased by 0.3% during June, from 1,335 to 1,339 euros per usable square meter. On the segment of old homes available for sale on the Timisoara market, a slightly negative evolution was recorded, namely a decrease of 0.1% in prices, from 1,335 to 1,334 euros per square meter. The newly built housing units, on the other hand, registered an increase of 1.5%, from 1,335 to 1,355 euros per usable square meter.