Bucharest Stock Exchange gained 5.28 billion lei in capitalization in the first week of 2022

BVB, Bursa de valori Bucuresti, investitii Sursa foto: Bursa de valori București

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) gained 5.28 billion lei in capitalization, or 2.3%, in the first week of 2022, while the value of share trading fell 12% compared to the previous week.

According to data published by the BVB, consulted by Agerpres, the market capitalization reached 234.363 billion lei in the period 3 – 7 January 2022, from 229.078 billion lei recorded in the week 27 – 31 December 2021.

Share transactions generated a turnover of 129.897 million lei this week, down from 147.779 million lei in the previous period.

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The best day of trading on the BVB was Wednesday, January 5, with a turnover of 36.69 million lei, and the worst day was Friday, January 7, with a trading value of 16.6 million lei.

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The main index of the Bucharest Stock Exchange – BET – closed the week at 13,156.95 points.

Shares of Banca Transilvania were the most liquid securities on the main segment of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, generating transactions of 28.694 million lei and a price increase of 1.36%.

Therapist shares were at the top of the trading list, with trades of 11.443 million lei (+9.55%), followed by Nuclearelectrica shares, with trades of 10.050 million lei (-0.11%).

The most significant increases were recorded by Carbochim shares (+47.37%), Promateris (+25%) and Alro shares (+13.33%).

At the other end of the spectrum, the shares of the Electrocontact Industrial Group recorded a 13.51% decline, followed by those of Casei de Bucovina – Club de Munte (-8.67%) and Rompetrol Rafinare (-6.71%).