Commission-free investment platform Welthee launches launches in Romania


After its launch in Switzerland, in 2020, the online investment platform Welthee launches in Romania. The platform will be accessible in Romania from the first half of June, after the current stage private sale in which over 500 investors participate.

The platform will offer investors the opportunity to choose desired levels of risk, with zero commission and a minimum investment amount of $50. In order to minimize risks, trading on Welthee will involve multiple simultaneous investments (at least five). Portfolios with high risk and high return assume all the risk for a significant reward.

“Investors at the beginning of the road can start with zero risks, and as they get to better understand the markets, portfolios, and investment mechanisms, they can increase the level of risk. On the other hand, we also address large investors, with financial potential, who accept a higher risk for a higher estimated profit and who are already experienced in the field of investments “, says Cristian Voaides, the founder of the platform.

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Users can choose the currency they can hold their portfolio in when withdrawing from the market. This corresponds to what the investor wants to multiply: BTC, USD, EUR, ETH, gold, etc.

Welthee was launched in 2020 in Switzerland under the name Capitera AG. In Romania, the company Safe Tech Invest SRL was established as the only local representative for Capitera AG. The founder of the project is Cristian Voaides, with a history in the field of international trading on the stock exchanges in America, Germany, and other important European markets.