Digital Europe Program, funding opportunities for the digital economy and IT companies in Romania


The European Commission is continuing its efforts to provide effective tools to support EU countries, citizens, and companies across the European space in the digital transition process. Thus, between June 1-2, during the Leading the Digital Decade 2021 conference, the Digital Europe Program (DIGITAL) was launched, focusing on facilitating and orienting digital technologies to companies, citizens, and public administrations.

“Through this program, we will be able to generate concrete benefits for the consolidation of Romania’s digital economy and for the digital transformation of companies. 122 million euros are allocated for specialized education actions and advanced digital skills in key areas: data and artificial intelligence, high-performance computing, and quantum computing. All citizens of the Union will be able to benefit from the study programs, including young people and IT experts from Romania. Thus, we will contribute to the creation of new specialized jobs, with very good incomes. We also have available 35 million euros, money provided in the Digital Europe program for a period of 7 years, for the digital transition of the private environment. The funds will be able to be used for the digital transformation by the Romanian small and medium enterprises that will be supported by the digital innovation centers. The Romanian Digitalisation Authority has coordinated the evaluation procedure of these centers at the national level and continues to support them to be selected as part of the European Digital Innovation Hubs network”, said Octavian Oprea, President of the Romanian Digitalisation Authority.

Published in the Official Journal of the European Union on May 11, 2021 (the date on which the implementation process began), DIGITAL is the first program included in the multi-annual budget of the European Union (2021-2027) dedicated exclusively to accelerating digitalization.

The program is one of the Commission’s two main priorities – greener and more digital Europe – and its main objective is technological autonomy so that Europe is no longer dependent on systems and solutions from other continents.

With a planned overall budget of € 7.5 billion, this program aims to accelerate the economic recovery and shape the digital transformation of European society and economy, benefiting everyone, but especially small and medium-sized enterprises.

Initiatives funded by DIGITAL Europe will focus on key areas such as:

  • artificial intelligence;
  • cybersecurity;
  • high-performance computing (HPC);
  • digital competences;
  • ensuring the widespread use of digital technologies throughout the economy, including through the network of digital innovation centers (EDIH).

The Digital Europe program will not address these challenges in isolation but will complement the funding available through other EU programs.

Translated from Romanian by Service For Life S.R.L.

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