Firm deregistrations up almost 30% in the first nine months of this year

onrc, registrul comertului Sursa foto: Inquam Photos / Octav Ganea

The number of deregistered firms nationwide increased by 29.6% in the first nine months of 2021, compared to the same period last year, to 47,091 deregistrations, according to statistics from the National Trade Registry Office (ONRC), cited by Agerpres.

Between January and September 2020, 36,337 deregistrations were recorded.

The most deregistrations in the first nine months of this year were recorded in the municipality of Bucharest – 7,610 (up 31.8% compared to January-September 2020) and in the counties of Timiș – 2,184 (up 31.55%), Constanța – 2,055 (up 28.68%) and Cluj – 2,018 (up 18.99%).

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At the other end of the spectrum, the fewest write-offs were recorded in Ialomița county – 369 (up 51.23% on the first nine months of last year), Covasna – 406 (up 57.36%) and Teleorman – 411 (up 14.17%).

The most significant increases in the number of cancellations were recorded in Alba (up 70.66%), Covasna (up 57.36%) and Vrancea (up 57.14%) counties. No decreases in the number of deregistered firms were recorded during the period under review.

By activity sector, the highest number of deregistrations was recorded in wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles – 12,975 (plus 32.45% compared to January-September 2020), construction – 4,347 (plus 28.15%), professional, scientific and technical activities – 3,972 (plus 28.67%).

In September 2021, there were 4,849 firm deregistrations, most of them in Bucharest (786) and in the counties of Constanța (229), Ilfov (210) and Iași (203).