Growth of the Romanian economy slowed to 0.3% in the third quarter

Florin Cîțu sursa foto: Inquam Photos/ Octav Ganea

Growth of the Romanian economy slowed to 0.3% in the third quarter compared to the previous quarter, while compared to the same period last year GDP growth was 7.2% on a gross basis and 8% on an adjusted basis, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INS).

In the first nine months of this year, GDP grew by 7.1% on a gross basis and by 6.8% on a seasonally adjusted basis compared to the same period last year.

On the other hand, the INS states, in a press release quoted by Agerpres, that following the revision of the gross series by including the estimate of Gross Domestic Product for the third quarter of 2021 in the quarterly series, the seasonally adjusted series has been recalculated, with changes in volume indices compared to the second provisional version of Gross Domestic Product for the second quarter of 2021, published in the press release of 11 October 2021.

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Thus, the figures for GDP growth in the first quarter of 2021 compared with the previous quarter have been revised down to 2.2% from 2.6%, and those for the second quarter of 2021 compared with the previous quarter have been revised down to 1.5% from 1.9%.

The European Commission recently revised down to 7% its estimate for Romania’s economic growth this year, after forecasting a 7.4% advance in July.