Health contributions for pensions over 4,000 lei

Pensionar batran bani sacosa sacose pensie Foto: Inquam Photos / Alberto Grosescu

The government wants to introduce the payment of social health insurance contributions for pensioners with pensions above 4,000 lei. The provision is included in the “ordinance” on some fiscal-budgetary measures, which is generally adopted at the end of each year and amends a number of legal provisions.

“In order to implement the fiscal measures included in the Government Program, approved by the Decision of the Romanian Parliament no. 42/2021 for granting confidence to the Government, as well as the objectives of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan regarding the need to reduce fiscal distortions and incentives, it is proposed to abolish the facility of exemption from the payment of social health insurance contribution for individuals who are pensioners, for pension income for the part exceeding the monthly amount of 4,000 lei, for each pension right,” the explanatory note of this ordinance states.

According to the source cited, “the monthly basis for calculating the social health insurance contribution for pension income exceeding 4,000 lei per month is the part exceeding the monthly amount of 4,000 lei for each pension entitlement”.

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For the purpose of determining the tax on pension income, the monthly taxable pension income is determined by deducting from the pension income the monthly non-taxable amount of RON 2,000 and, where applicable, the health insurance contribution due.

To this end, the obligation to submit the Declaration on the obligations to pay social security contributions, income tax and the nominal record of insured persons (D112), provided for in Article 147 of the Tax Code, as subsequently amended and supplemented, is established for payers of such income.

At the same time, the obligation for pension income payers to submit the information return on withholding tax, gambling income and investment gains/losses by income recipient (D205) is abolished.