Hiring intention has dropped to the lowest level in 7 years (report)

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Less than half (46%) of CEOs in Romania predict an increase in the number of employees in the next 12 months, while the share of company leaders who intend to hire new people has dropped to the minimum of the last seven years, according to the PwC report CEO Survey Romania 2021, quoted by Agerpres.

“Less than half (46%) of general managers in Romania predict an increase in the number of employees in the next 12 months, according to the PwC CEO Survey Romania 2021. The share of company leaders who intend hire more people has decreased, thus, at the minimum of the last seven years, after rising to 61% in 2017 and capping at 53% between 2018 and 2020. In the longer term, optimism returns and 80% of CEOs in Romania estimate that they will have more employees in the next three years. The percentage is significantly above the level in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, where about two thirds of the respondents share the same opinion “, according to the quoted source.

Dinu Bumbăcea, Country Managing Partner PwC Romania, explained that keeping employees has been a priority from the beginning of the health crisis for all companies and even if some sectors suffered heavy losses and laid off up some employees, other areas , such as deliveries or courier services have grown and attracted the redundant workforce.

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“Thus, there was a redistribution in the economy and we see that the number of employees in Romania remained constant, around 5.6 million people. We notice this trend in the answers given by the general managers in our survey: 30% reduced the number of employees, while 30% managed to supplement it, and 40% maintained it at the same level. Although many remain reluctant about new jobs due to the uncertainty and difficulties they have encountered in the last year and a half, business leaders are confident in the future, “said Dinu Bumbăcea.

As in previous years, CEOs in our country say that the availability of key skills is a threat to the development of organizations, 82% of them say they are concerned and extremely concerned about this issue.

In response to this disruptive factor, they say they are interested (41%) in adapting their workforce strategy and increasing productivity through automation and technology to ensure the competitiveness of their organizations. About half of the general managers in Romania plan double-digit percentage increases in investments for digital transformation.

Equally, 39% of them are interested in providing the necessary skills to employees and increase their ability to adapt to a dynamic and uncertain reality. A similar percentage (37%) shows that the amounts allocated for talent development will increase by 10%.

Also, 30% aim to increase the competitiveness of the business by offering flexible working arrangements and ensuring a balance between work and personal life of employees.

Another concern is remuneration (salaries, incentives and benefits granted to employees) which was mentioned by 24% of respondents.

Instead, business leaders in Romania are less concerned with issues related to identifying and training future leaders (16%) or diversity and inclusion (7%).

PwC is a network of companies present in 155 countries with more than 284,000 professionals providing services in the field of audit, tax consulting and business consulting.

Translated From Romanian by Service For Life S.R.L.

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