Industrial output up 16% in the first half of the year

fabrica, productie Sursa foto: Pexels/ Kateryna Babaieva

Industrial production (gross series) rose in the first six months of this year by 16%, thanks to increases in manufacturing industry (+17.8%) and production and supply of electricity and heat, gas, hot water and air conditioning (+12.9%), the National Institute of Statistics said in a statement quoted by Agerpres.

According to the statistics, in the same period, the extractive industry decreased by 2.1%.

Industrial production, series adjusted for the number of working days and seasonality, in the period from 1 January to 30 June 2021 was 16.7% higher than in the same period last year, due to increases in manufacturing (+17.6%) and production and supply of electricity and heat, gas, hot water and air conditioning (+13%). Mining and quarrying decreased by 2.8%.

In June 2021, industrial production (gross series) increased compared to the previous month by 3.1% as a result of increases in manufacturing (+3.7%) and production and supply of electricity, gas, heat, hot water and air conditioning (+1.4%). Mining and quarrying decreased by 2.8%.

Seasonally and working-day adjusted industrial production was 0.3% higher than in the previous month, supported by increases in the production and supply of electricity, gas, heat, hot water and air conditioning (+1.4%) and manufacturing (+1.3%). Mining and quarrying decreased by 0.6%.

Compared with the same month last year, industrial production (gross series) increased by 11.6%, thanks to increases in the three industrial sectors: production and supply of electricity, gas, heat, hot water and air conditioning (+17.4%), manufacturing (+11%) and mining and quarrying (+7.1%).

Industrial production, working-day and seasonally adjusted series, was 12.5% higher, due to increases in the production and supply of electricity and heat, gas, hot water and air conditioning (+17.3%), manufacturing (+9.1%) and mining and quarrying (+7.2%).

Sursa foto: Pexels/ Kateryna Babaieva