Turnover in the services market provided to the population increased in the first 11 months of 2021, compared to the same period in 2020, both as a gross series, by 42.1%, and as a series adjusted for the number of working days and seasonality by 40.6%, data published Monday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) and cited by news.ro show.
“In the period 1.I-30.XI.2021 compared to the period 1.I-30.XI.2020, the volume of turnover in wholesale and retail trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, gross series, recorded a 24.7% higher turnover, influenced by the increase in turnover in: trade in motorcycles, related parts and accessories; maintenance and repair of motorcycles (+39.5%), trade-in motor vehicles (+26.6%), trade-in motor vehicle parts and accessories (+22.1%) and maintenance and repair of motor vehicles (+19.9%),” INS data show.
In the period 1.I-30.XI.2021 compared to the period 1.I-30.XI.2020, turnover in wholesale and retail trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, working-day and seasonally adjusted series, increased by 23.6%.
Market services to households, gross series, in the period 1.I-30.XI.2021 recorded a 42.1% higher turnover compared to the period 1.I-30.XI.2020, influenced by an increase in turnover in: hotels and restaurants activities (+44.5%), gambling and other recreational activities (+42.2%), travel agencies and tour operators activities (+33%), hairdressing and other beauty activities (+29.1%) and washing and (dry-)cleaning of textile and fur products (+28.6%).
Market services activities supplied to households, working-day and seasonally adjusted series, in the period 1.I-30.XI.2021 recorded a turnover 40.6% higher than in the period 1.I-30.XI.2020.
Total turnover in wholesale and retail trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, gross series, in November 2021, compared to the previous month, recorded an increase of 0.4%, due to increases in trade in motorcycles, related parts and accessories; maintenance and repair of motorcycles (+5.5%), maintenance and repair of motor vehicles (+4.5%) and trade in motor vehicles (+0.5%). Trade-in motor vehicle parts and accessories decreased by 1.9%.
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Total turnover in wholesale and retail trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, working-day and seasonally adjusted series, in November 2021, compared with the previous month, decreased by 0.8%.
As regards market services supplied to the population, gross series, in November 2021, compared to the previous month, turnover registered a decrease of 3.0%, as a result of decreases in washing and (dry-)cleaning of textile and fur products (-17.3%), hotels and restaurants (-4.9%) and tourist agencies and tour operators (-0.1%). Increases were registered in gambling and other recreational activities (+1.9%) and hairdressing and other beauty activities (+0.6%).
Turnover in market services supplied to the population, working-day and seasonally adjusted series, in November 2021, compared to the previous month, increased by 1.6%.
Total turnover in wholesale and retail trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, gross series, in November 2021, compared to November 2020, recorded an increase of 15%, due to increases in trade in motorcycles, related parts and accessories; maintenance and repair of motorcycles (+33.1%), trade-in motor vehicle parts and accessories (+16.6%), maintenance and repair of motor vehicles (+15.4%) and trade in motor vehicles (+13.2%).
Total turnover in wholesale and retail trade, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, working-day and seasonally adjusted series, in November 2021, increased by 13.5% compared to November 2020.
Market services activities supplied to households, gross series, in November 2021 recorded an 86.3% increase in turnover compared to November 2020, due to increases in gambling and other recreational activities (+256%), activities of travel agencies and tour operators (+130.4%), activities of hotels and restaurants (+64.4%) and laundering and (dry-)cleaning of textile and fur products (+17.4%). Hairdressing and other beauty activities decreased by 8.8%.
Market services activity supplied to households, working-day and seasonally adjusted series, increased by 97.7% in November 2021 compared to November 2020.