Porsche to open in Timișoara a development and research center for the intelligent cars of the future

Porsche Timișoara

Porsche Engineering announces that it will open a new office in Romania, respectively a development and research center where 200 software development specialists and other projects for the development of intelligent and connected vehicles of the future will work. The new location will complete and expand the activity of the offices in Cluj, opened by the company in 2016.

“The technological activities of Porsche Engineering in Romania have so far been a success story. The constant growth of highly qualified software specialists in Cluj-Napoca motivated us to consider expanding with a second Romanian location. Due to the high-tech environment, both in the academic landscape and in the business landscape, Timișoara was the obvious choice for this ”, transmits Dirk Lappe, Chief Technology Officer at Porsche Engineering.

The German company will collaborate with the Polytechnic University of Timișoara and with the West University. This year, 50 people will be employed, but the goal is to reach 200 employees in the west of the country. They will develop trends such as automated management functions, machine learning, virtual energy management, and other intelligent functions.

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The location in Timisoara will serve as another cornerstone in Porsche Engineering’s global innovation network, along with locations in Germany, the Czech Republic and Nardò from Italy to Shanghai, China.

“At Porsche Engineering in Romania, we combine the latest software development technology with automotive expertise, to make cars smarter, easier to use, and more efficient. We develop new functions and features for unique brands, capitalizing on the latest technologies. This is quite unusual for car companies operating in Romania and was one of the key points that attracted great talent in our organization, “says Marius Mihailovici, CEO of Porsche Engineering Romania.

“I am delighted that Porsche Engineering is one of the first companies to hear our message and look forward to seeing the new R&D center in action. We are in talks with other investors who want to come to Timișoara, companies attracted by the openness we show as a local administration and by the very well qualified young people that this city has, especially in the field of new and green technologies “, declared Dominic Fritz, the mayor of Timisoara.

Translated from Romanian by Service For Life S.R.L.