Proposal with major impact on business: CNSU calls for law requiring that employees in state or private office buildings can only come to work with a Green Certificate

sediu banca, sedii bancare, birouri Sursa foto: Pexels

The National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) adopted a resolution on Friday proposing that state employees and those in private office buildings should only be able to access their jobs with a Green Certificate – that is, if they provide proof of vaccination, sickness within the last 180 days or testing.

More specifically, to introduce this restriction, which already exists in countries such as France, Italy, and Germany, a law passed by parliament and promulgated by President Iohannis is needed.

The Constitutional Court has ruled that such a restriction of a right can only be made by law, not by emergency ordinance or government decision.

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Health Minister Cseke Attila said on Thursday that in such a situation, employees who are not vaccinated will have to pay for the tests themselves.

  • Excerpt from the CNSU ruling:

It is proposed to regulate the access of employees to all premises of central and local public institutions, autonomous public corporations and economic operators with public capital, as well as to private office buildings where at least 50 people are working at the same time, by limiting it only to people who provide proof of vaccination, passing the disease within the last 180 days or testing.