The Competition Council fined the company Delgaz Grid SA from the German group E.ON with 30 million lei (about 6 million euros) for abuse of a dominant position on the market of services related to natural gas distribution, official sources told
The fine came after the completion of the investigation launched in January 2019.
The Competition Council sanctioned Delgaz Grid for abusing its dominant position in the natural gas distribution market, refusing to give all companies access to the service provided.
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Delgaz Grid SA has a monopoly on the distribution of natural gas in 20 counties located in the north part of the country.
The company from the German group E.ON acknowledged the anti-competitive facts and benefited from the reduction of the fine, according to Economedia sources.
The Competition Council has fined other companies in the gas market in the past: Distrigaz Sud received a sanction of 17 million lei also for abuse of a dominant position, the company Premier Energy SRL was fined 6.3 million lei also for abuse of dominant position, and Wirom Gas SA and nine executors of works in the field were fined over 900 lei for concluding an anti-competitive agreement.
Translated from Romanian by Service For Life S.R.L.