The Authority for the Digitalization of Romania wants to develop new IT systems, with a budget of 161 million lei

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The Authority for the Digitalization of Romania (RDA) is allocating 161.372 million lei, excluding VAT, for various software and information systems development services, according to a call for tenders posted on the Electronic Public Procurement System (SEAP), quoted by Agerpres.

The subject of the procurement is “digital transformation of public administration in Romania”.

“The contracting authority intends to develop new IT systems, using a new concept in Romania, i.e. the construction of these IT systems, in logical successive stages, specific to software development processes, with each lot representing a segment of the software development process,” the notice states.

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The procurement involves the conclusion of a framework agreement. The contract is divided into 11 lots and will be awarded by open tender on the basis of the best value for money. Tenders may be submitted for one, several or all lots. According to the notice, the total estimated value, excluding VAT, is 161,372,178 lei.

Thus, Lot 1 provides for Business Analysis Services; Lot 2 – Technical Analysis Services; Lot 3 – Software Development Services; Lot 4 – Functionality Testing Services; Lot 5 – Security Testing Services; Lot 6 – Server Infrastructure Maintenance Services; Lot 7 – Software Maintenance Services; Lot 8 – Block Chain; Lot 9 – Artificial Intelligence (AI); Lot 10 – Virtual Reality (VR/AR); Lot 11 – Big Data.

The deadline for receipt of tenders or requests to participate is 9 February 2022, 15:00.

The Authority for the Digitalization of Romania is organized and operates as a structure with legal personality within the Government’s working apparatus and under the coordination of the Prime Minister, with the role of carrying out and coordinating the implementation of strategies and public policies in the field of digital transformation and information society.