The Constitutional Court rejected the USR challenge on the draft state budget for 2022, the law proceeds to enactment

Dan Barna, audieri ministri, Comisia pentru politica externa Sursa Foto: Ilona Andrei /

The Constitutional Court (CCR) rejected, on Tuesday, one day earlier, the USR’s submission on the draft state budget for 2022, according to The law goes to President Klaus Iohannis for enactment. The constitutional judges adopted the decision by unanimous vote.

According to a CCR press release, following the deliberations, the Constitutional Court, by unanimous vote, rejected, as inadmissible, the objection of unconstitutionality of the provisions of Article 6 paragraph (2) of the State Budget Law for 2022.

The CCR rejected the objection of unconstitutionality as unfounded and found that the provisions of Article 54 of the State Budget Law for 2022 are constitutional in relation to the criticism of extrinsic unconstitutionality raised only to the extent that they are applied after a possible amendment or supplement to Law no. 334/2006 on the financing of political parties and electoral campaigns.

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In addition, the CCR found that the provisions of Article 56 of the State Budget Law for 2022 are constitutional in relation to the criticisms made.

The decision is final and generally binding and shall be communicated to the President of Romania, the CCR added.

USR appealed to the Constitutional Court against the 2022 state budget law, immediately after the adoption of the draft in the joint plenary of Parliament.