What jobs the future brings: TikTok manager, Instagram filter developer or climate geoengineer

tiktok Sursa foto: Pixabay

The pandemic year 2020 has accelerated the evolution of digital jobs, and the top 10 occupations of the future announced by the World Economic Forum are nothing like the usual occupational standard, experts from INACO – Initiative for Competitiveness pointed out and announced the launch of the 4th edition of the Guide to the Jobs of the Future – Labour Market Opportunities in Tomorrow’s World.

“The online big bang created by the pandemic year 2020 has accelerated the evolution of digital jobs, exponentially transforming the future of the labour market. The return to business-as-usual is putting us in front of unusual professions. The top 10 occupations of the future announced by the World Economic Forum look nothing like the usual occupational standard: remote work facilitator, fitness compliance advisor, smart home design manager, immersive XR advisor, workspace environment architect, data detective, favorability algorithm auditor, cyber disaster risk analyst,” reads a press release of the Association, sent to Agerpres on Thursday.

Also on the list of future professions in the new INACO Guide reads: TikTok manager, Instagram filter developer, e-sports virtual competition administrator/referee, urban farmer, green house builder, wave energy engineer, 3D organ printing engineer, nanomedicine surgeon, ethical algorithm programmer, AI genetic biologist, climate geoengineer and data privacy administrator.

The fourth edition of the Guide to the Jobs of the Future can be accessed free of charge on the INACO website.

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The Initiative for Competitiveness – INACO is a non-profit community of managers, consultants, analysts, experts in the economic, educational, connected to the network of specialists in state and private economy in Romania.

Edited for English