A train from Otopeni Airport to Bucharest city center carries an average of only 14 passengers per day, although it has a capacity of 70 or 110 passengers

tren, cfr, aeroportul otopeni Sursa foto: G4

The train that makes the direct connection between Gara de Nord and Bucharest Henri Coandă International Airport transports 1,000 people a day, announced the Minister of Transportation Catalin Drula. A single train thus transports an average of 14 passengers, in the context in which 72 trains run daily on this route, with a capacity of 70 seats or 110 seats.

„It’s the number of the day we enjoy: t. And it continues to increase, as we return to normal and people find out about this option: 1) convenient – the train station is right at the exit of the International Arrivals terminal; 2) cheap – 4 lei/trip; 3) fast – 20-25 minutes; 4) convenient – clean trains, multiple connections from the North Station. It is a significant increase and comes in the context of a return of passenger traffic at Henri Coandă Airport – 17,000 passengers / day, the average of the last week. We are still far from the pre-pandemic period (38% compared to the similar period of 2019) “, the minister wrote on Facebook.

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The direct connection between Gara de Nord and Airport is ensured on the relation Bucharest North – Mogoşoaia – Bucharest “Henri Coandă” International Airport (and return) by 72 trains (36 pairs). The capacity of a train can be 70 seats or 110 seats, depending on the configuration.

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The increase in the average number of passengers comes in the context in which fans who hold tickets to UEFA EURO 2020 matches, valid on the day of the match until 23:59 and the next day, UEFA accredited staff – volunteers and the media – benefit from free subway transport, as well as on the Bucharest-Otopeni railway line, throughout the tour of Bucharest.