Armata cumpără 52.000 de costume de protecție împotriva agenților radioactivi, chimici și biologici

cbrn 040117-N-0331L-023-Arabian Sea- Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) disposal technicians from the 1st Marines 1st Battalion prepare to search the USNS Saturn (T-AFS 10). The NBC team was looking for mock Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) during a mock non-compliant boarding as part of exercise Sea Saber 2004, the 5th Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) exercise focused on the interdiction of a maritime shipment of WMD-related equipment and materials on the high seas. Saturn and Spanish SOF are currently forward deployed to the Arabian Sea in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. Official U.S. Navy Photograph by Photographer's Mate Second Class (DV) Jeffrey Lehrberg, Fleet Combat Camera, Atlantic. Photograph cleared for release by CDR James Graybeal, COMUSNAVCENT/ 5TH Fleet PAO.

Ministerul Apărării, prin UM 02550 București a scos la licitație în SICAP un contract de 142 de milioane lei pentru achiziția a 51.800 de costume de protecție CBRN, care protejează împotriva particulelor radioactive, agenților toxici de luptă sau aagenților biologici. Furnizarea echipamentelor se face pe patru ani iar costumele se vor distribui unităților militare din Bucureşti, Ploieşt, Craiova, Constanța, Târgu Mureș și Suceava, conform indicațiilor MApN.

Ofertele se desfac în 6 iulie, departajarea lor se face în funcție de preț, de experiența similară a furnizorului în livrarea de astfel produse și de cifra de afaceri din ultimii ani a respectivului furnizor.

Armata face periodic achiziții de astfel de costume, ultima atât de importantă fiind în aprilie 2021, fiind făcută tot de UM 02550.

040117-N-0331L-023-Arabian Sea- Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) disposal technicians from the 1st Marines 1st Battalion prepare to search the USNS Saturn (T-AFS 10). The NBC team was looking for mock Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) during a mock non-compliant boarding as part of exercise Sea Saber 2004, the 5th Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) exercise focused on the interdiction of a maritime shipment of WMD-related equipment and materials on the high seas. Saturn and Spanish SOF are currently forward deployed to the Arabian Sea in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. Official U.S. Navy Photograph by Photographer's Mate Second Class (DV) Jeffrey Lehrberg, Fleet Combat Camera, Atlantic. Photograph cleared for release by CDR James Graybeal, COMUSNAVCENT/ 5TH Fleet PAO.

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