The acceleration of digitization in the last year, and the need to have real-time access to up-to-date financial data, not just a secure monthly accounting report, have led small local entrepreneurs to seek such comprehensive services. Thus, more and more freelancers and small entrepreneurs in the country have invested, this year, in completing the accounting services with integrated financial management software, intended for micro-enterprises, points out the developer of IT solutions for business Wizrom Software.
In the new health and economic context, small companies have begun to feel more and more acutely the need for modern, digital and accessible financial instruments in business administration. And the last months of this year have led entrepreneurs to adopt accounting and IT services suitable for small businesses.
“Entrepreneurs need, today, more visibility on the financial situation of companies than ever before. We live in times when technology allows us to achieve many things in just a few clicks, and managing a business, even a small one, can be easier with the help of solutions dedicated to them. In addition to the assistance of an expert accountant, business owners need to access reports and financial records, especially when business decisions are needed and not just after the centralization of documents, traditionally performed by the accountant, at the end of the month. Hence the growing need for such platforms “, says Adrian Bodomoiu, General Manager at Wizrom Software.
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In 2019, according to the data of the National Office of the Trade Register, over 670,000 micro-enterprises were registered in Romania, almost 92% of the total companies in Romania. In fact, the share of micro-enterprises in the Romanian economy is not negligible at all. According to statistics, 43 billion euros was the total turnover of micro-enterprises in Romania, in 2019 – about 12% of the total turnover of Romanian companies. Their profit reached 9 billion euros in 2019, and the jobs created exceeded 884,000.
“These services are aimed at small and medium-sized companies, which do not have an in-house accountant, but who want more than issuing, recording and managing invoices, seeking to have visibility on business and, from what we have seen, these businesses some mobiles, always on the move, they get in touch with many customers or suppliers, which is why they need, permanently and in real time, the information provided by such IT solutions “, explains Adrian Bodomoiu.