How to make money from home: business ideas you can start online with as little as €1,500. From content creator to photo or video production

business, afaceri, munca de acasa Sursă: Unsplash

Online businesses were in high demand, especially during the pandemic when travel restrictions were imposed. As many businesses were suspended, closed, or restricted, the online environment benefited during this period.

The advantages of opening an online business are that it does not require a physical space and can be run from home. Economic consultant Adrian Negrescu says that when an entrepreneur wants to start an online business, they need to think about what they are good at and what they would like to do.

“Think about what skills you have, what field you have experience in, how much time you have available and whether you are able to work and invest in developing a business on your own.

If, for example, you like to write, you have ideas, you are the creative type, you can apply to profile sites that are looking for authors for various projects (website copy, product descriptions, social media reviews, etc.) There are plenty of sites that pay very well for such work. And if you’re good at a foreign language, you’re even more likely to make at least €1,000-3,000/month just from such activities, for which all you need is a PC/laptop and an internet connection,” economic consultant Adrian Negrescu told Economedia.

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The specialist presented a list of possible business ideas that an entrepreneur can set up online, from home, with little money.

Open a YouTube channel

If you’re the kind of person who likes to talk, who has something to say, building a YouTube channel can be an optimal solution from which, through advertising from Google, to earn money depending, of course, on the traffic you generate.

According to Adrian, the key is to find a good niche with potential and produce quality content. All you need is your laptop, your phone and a good camera to record with. The price doesn’t have to be very high. There are devices that start at 900 lei, and you can pay between 1,500-2,000 lei for a decent laptop.

“If you’re a parent and you think you have the skills, the experience to tell others how to raise their children, there’s a great niche in this area and you can make good money,” says Adrian Negrescu.

Setting up a platform to sell products online

If you have sales experience, the internet is a great place to do business. You can set up an online brokerage platform, search for products and services and sell them on.

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“You’ll live on commissions and, with the way courier services have developed in Romania, you won’t be nervous. You can trade on the Romanian market or, if you have the money and the courage, you can trade abroad, especially with China, where you can bring various products at very low prices,” he says.

One business that will grow in this area is that of vegetables, cheeses, meat, and fruit from domestic production, which you can take from local producers and sell via the internet all over the country. All you need is a start-up budget of around €3,000 for 10-15 days, which will provide you with stocks and, of course, promotional expenses.

Online tutoring or art classes

Adrian points out that another very good online business is e-learning. From tutoring to art courses, if you are good at something and know how to promote yourself, you can open an online business and teach on an online platform to potential clients all over the world.

How to be your own boss and earn money from stock market shares

In 2022, when everyone is looking with concern at inflation, and if you even have €2,000-3,000, an optimal investment solution is to invest in the stock market. Buying and selling shares has become easier than ever.

“You can do it over the phone, without commission, and if you have a good sense of how the market is going, you can make good money very quickly. I don’t recommend cryptocurrencies unless you invest short, i.e. you are counting on a quick profit in 1-2 months. In the long term, cryptocurrencies will be a bubble that will burst, with many victims”, says Adrian Negrescu.

Photo or video production

If you have some knowledge in photo and video production, you can apply on the websites to produce various products, from product photos to dedicated videos for different companies around the world.

“It’s very easy to even build a business in this area, as there is a significant demand for content.”

If you like games, like testing different software products, and have the right skills, you can always apply for a job as an online tester. You’ll find plenty of online platforms that need such services.

What is the minimum budget you need to open an online business?

The specialist is of the opinion that, beyond these few ideas, opening an internet business, no matter in what field, requires a few minimum investments.

First of all, you need a domain, preferably .ro, a presentation website, personalized email, your own social media channels, and a good internet connection.

“The website, domain, channels package will cost you a minimum of €1,500. My advice is to look for references about who will do your portal and only pay them an advance and the rest after you see that everything is up and running. On the internet it’s more about marketing, how you present yourself, so you will need to allocate a minimum budget for social media promotion. But don’t forget one key point. Evaluate correctly your potential, your idea, your ability to implement what you propose. Don’t lie to yourself and think pragmatically. Without commitment, without work, I guarantee you will not succeed”, says Adrian Negrescu.