Energy Minister plans a holding company on the energy market with Hidroelectrica and Nuclearelectrica

Hidroelectrica Sursa foto: Hidroelectrica / Facebook

The Ministry of Energy is considering the possibility of setting up a holding company on the energy market, including Hidroelectrica and Nuclearelectrica, said on Wednesday the Minister-designate for Energy, Virgil Popescu, quoted by Agerpres.

He was heard in Parliament’s joint specialized committees, where he mentioned this idea, and was later asked by journalists about details of the plan.

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“We are thinking about a player in the market, I have been thinking about this for a long time, I have also discussed it with the management of Hidroelectrica and Nuclearelectrica. A big player in the market that can exit Romania on the regional market, like other companies, like MOL, like CEZ, have done. Why shouldn’t we get out, why shouldn’t we have the courage to get out on the regional energy market?”, said Popescu.

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The idea of setting up an energy holding including Hidroelectrica and Nuclearelectrica does not appear in the PNL-PSD-UDMR coalition’s 2021-2024 government program.