The USR National Bureau has proposed Emil Samartinean, a 37 years-old consultant for small and medium-sized enterprises (those businesses with a turnover of 50,000 euros per year or less), as Vice President of the ANAF, the National Agency for Tax Administration, even though the institution he will coordinate manages amounts amounting to hundreds of billions of lei. Samartinean has no prior experience in public institutions, and he received his doctorate degree without the defense of his doctoral thesis, and in his resume section referring to “skills acquired during education” he states “analysis of facts and understanding of the world”.
The information that Emil Samartinean is the proposal for Vice-President of the ANAF was confirmed for Economedia by Cristina Pruna, a USR Vice-President and member of the USR’s National Bureau.
Contacted by Economedia, Emil Samartinean confirmed his nomination as ANAF Vice-President. “My nomination proposal for ANAF Vice-President came from the USR National Bureau following an analysis of my internal candidacy, which came as a response to the party’s call for members to apply for public duty functions, a call launched immediately after the USR won the election and formed the government. Following the internal selection process, I was deemed to be the best candidate for this position. The specialized interviews for the nomination were individual ─ each candidate had an interview with colleagues within the party’s central leadership,” Samartinean told Economedia.
When asked what qualifies him for the position of Vice-President of the NAF, Samartinean said: “First of all, I’m a business consultant, a graduate of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies (ASE) in the Faculty of Management, with a major in Business Administration. I also hold a bachelor’s degree in political sciences, and I have completed a PhD in economics and international affairs, also within the ASE, but without defending my doctoral thesis – i.e. I am a Doctoral student. From a professional experience point of view, I have are managerial and operational skills, and I can exercise with responsibility and efficiency the function of Vice President of the ANAF. Currently, I’m Managing Director at Greenwald & Co, an investment consultancy firm for the SMEs that are financed non only with private capital, but also through European or government funds; but my professional experience is broader than that, having previously worked successively for two other large multinational corporations, one in the telecommunications industry (Orange), and one in the banking and financial field (Banca Transilvania). I would also like to point out that before this nomination I had never before worked for any public institution in Romania, but I personally prepared myself, both politically and professionally, to take on this kind of government responsibility.
Asked about the size of the companies he’s the manager of, Samartinean said the combined yearly turnover of the two firms amounts to a total of 50,000 euros.
Asked if he felt that this experience was sufficient for such a “heavy” function, that of the ANAF Vice-President, Samartinean said “Yes, certainly. I believe that my achievements, both professionally as well as in my studies, qualify me to take over any political function at the level of responsibility required in the Romanian Government or in the legislative apparatus. I can assure you that I have the managerial competence to manage an institution such as ANAF, that I have the necessary knowledge and capacity to understand how ANAF works institutionally within the Ministry of Finance. My mandate within the National Agency for Tax Administration is one of reform, digitization, and transparency, thus creating the premises by which the institution will be closer to the taxpayers”.
According to his resume, obtained by Economedia, Emil Samartinean had his first job in 2006 as a bank clerk at Banca Transilvania, where he stayed also until 2006.
In 2008 he began working as a waiter and event-organizer at the Athenee Palace Hilton (until 2011).
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He graduated from college at the age of 25, after obtaining his bachelor’s degree in political science from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Cluj-Napoca in 2009. He subsequently completed a master’s degree in Business Administration at the Faculty of Management of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies (2011). In addition to that, he completed his doctoral studies at the Faculty of International Economic Relations ASE, but without the public defense of his doctoral thesis.
Between 2011 and 2016 he worked at Orange, was first a salesperson, then as a customer support manager.
During 2011-2013 he was an assistant professor – PhD student at the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, within the Faculty of International Economic Relations, teaching subjects such as international organizations, European economy, and corporate finance.
Currently, Samartinean is general manager of the consulting firm Greenwald Consulting SRL, having previously been the administrator of this firm, and of another company called Smart Hightech Powerhouse SRL.
In his resume, Emil Samartinean states that he is an “Executive Manager with over 6 years of experience in the management of organizational management in the field of business administration. Entrepreneur: IT & Private Capital Investment Consulting or European SME’s Funds”.
In November, he ran from USR-PLUS for a place in the Chamber of Deputies.
It is also worth noting the “Skills” section of Samartinean’s resume where he points out that he has native leadership skills, public-speaking talent, the ability to see the big picture, a rational approach to things, and taking responsibility for his decisions. In the section on skills acquired educationally, he points out critical thinking, understanding of the political science, and the economy; analysis of facts, and understanding of the world. As for hobbies, he notes the collection of art (especially paintings) and watches, historical documentaries and films, and geopolitics.
ANAF has only one Vice-President
Currently, ANAF has only one vice president. Sandu Costea, vice-president and coordinator of the activity of the General Directorate for Anti-fiscal Fraud (DGAF), worked at the former Financial Guard until 2013, when, in the context of the dissolution of the Financial Guard, he did not take the exam to be part of the new Anti-Fraud structure, according to the Costea passed the written exam but was rejected at the interview. Currently, Sandu Costea appears to be employed as an inspector at the Slots Control Service, bingo, and casinos of the National Gambling Office.
In November 2019, former Prime Minister Ludovic Orban dismissed all four ANAF vice-presidents.
After the reorganization of the ANAF, the number of vice-presidents decreased from 4 to 3. The vacancies at the moment are those of Vice-President for Collection and the Vice-President who coordinates the customs.
Translation from Romanian: Service for Life SRL