PREMIERE Dacia Spring, the first electric car voted in 21 years the best and most affordable vehicle in Autobest 2022

masina electrica, dacia, dacia spring Sursa foto: Dacia

The Autobest jury, made up of journalists from 32 European countries, has chosen the Dacia Spring as the winner of The Best Buy Car of Europe 2022. The Dacia Spring was voted both the best and the most affordable vehicle in the competition. A first, as this is the first time in the 21-year history of the competition that the Autobest jury has chosen a 100% electric vehicle as the winner.

After the Good Deal Award at the Automobile Awards, this is the second trophy for Dacia Spring.

Launched at the end of March 2021, the Dacia Spring has attracted more than 43,000 orders in around eight months. Underneath its compact SUV guise, the vehicle offers record interior space for the mini segment, an efficient and reliable electric motor and a range of up to 305 km (according to WLTP City – 230 km according to WLTP Combined).

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“We are very proud to have won the Autobest 2022 award. It confirms Dacia’s determination to offer customers what is truly useful for them. Simple to use and affordable, the Spring is perfectly suited to the times we live in. I would like to thank the jury members for inviting us to continue in this direction,” says Denis Le Vot, CEO Dacia & LADA.

Alongside the Best Buy Car of Europe 2022 award, Dacia Spring achieved excellent results in the ECOBEST Challenge 2021, organized by Autobest in November:

  • A combined cycle range of 221 km (for a WLTP approved range of 230 km),
  • a range of 31 km with a 0% reserve displayed on the dashboard,
  • energy efficiency of 8.25 km/kWh, the best of the 15 vehicles tested.