American IT company enters the Romanian market and wants to hire 150 software specialists by 2023

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The American company Coherent Solutions, a business with 76 million dollars turnover, opens a research and development center in Romania and wants to hire over 150 software specialists by 2023, the company announced, according to

Coherent Solutions, a company specialized in the development of software products and consulting services, enters the Romanian market and opens its first office in Bucharest. The company aims to recruit a team of over 30 IT specialists by the end of the year the announcement reads. The Coherent Solutions Romania team will be led by Alina Sandru.

“The R&D center in Romania comes after we opened two more centers in Lithuania and Ukraine at the beginning of this year, respectively, and perfectly complete our expansion plan in Central and Eastern Europe. Even if the pandemic forced us to think and work differently, we chose not to postpone this opening and to invest in the development of a team in Bucharest “, says Igor Epshteyn, president and chief executive officer. “The IT sector in Romania, even in the context of the pandemic, remains an extremely competitive and attractive one for international companies”, said Alina Sandru, general manager of Coherent Solutions Romania.

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Globally, Coherent Solutions has a team of more than 1,500 employees, experts in the development of customized products and solutions, such as web and mobile applications, DevOps and data services, and emerging technologies such as blockchain and IoT – with over 1,000 projects completed in the last 25 years. Headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the six development centers are located in Belarus, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Romania, and Ukraine.

The pandemic does not seem to have slowed the expansion of IT companies, on the contrary – the accelerated need for digitization has created opportunities for players in the field. A few days ago, the software solutions developer 3Pillar Global, headquartered in Romania in Cluj-Napoca, but with offices in Timisoara and Iasi, announced that it needs another 100 employees this year. The novelty of the recruitment season: IT specialists will be able to work remotely, full-time, from anywhere in the country. The pandemic brought other opportunities for the Technology sector: more and more customers wanted to digitalize more components of their businesses.

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