American technology and engineering company Emerson approaches 3000 employees in Cluj

emerson Cluj Sursa foto: Emerson

Emerson, an American technology, engineering and manufacturing company that occupies the Tetarom II industrial park in Cluj, has grown to 2,900 employees in Cluj-Napoca and announced investments of $160 million since opening in 2006.

“We have developed a series of 11 manufacturing start-ups, two major business hubs supporting both Emerson’s European and global business platforms, an engineering hub and four HR, IT, logistics and finance service centers,” said Alina Negru, director of Emerson Cluj, about its 15 years of activity in Cluj and Romania.

To prepare its future employee base, the company has approached several directions of cooperation with local universities, including mentoring programs for students, summer internship and internship programs. This year the company inaugurated a technical laboratory at the Faculty of Chemistry of Babeș-Bolyai University and upgraded the Emerson laboratory at the Technical University, within the Faculty of Automation and Computers, using Industry 4.0 technologies and automation solutions.

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The company has grown to 2,900 employees and made investments of more than $160 million. Last year, Emerson had $241 million in business. “We will continue to grow in all areas of our business: operations, business centers and functional service groups. And at the same time, our roles and responsibilities will become more complex, we will design and implement new processes, with digitization being a central element,” added Alina Negru.

The Cluj site is powered entirely by renewable energy, and the company is increasing its efforts and remains committed to reducing its carbon footprint, reducing waste and making a positive contribution to the society in which it operates.

Emerson (NYSE: EMR), headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri (USA), is a technology and engineering company providing solutions to customers in industrial, commercial and residential markets.