BAT Romania has placed five solar trees in areas of central Bucharest

Copac solar BAT 2 Sursa foto: BAT

BAT Romania has placed five solar trees in central areas of Bucharest, offering alternative green energy options. Each solar tree provides a green energy source capable of supporting the charging of seventy electronic devices daily, in wireless or USB format.

In addition, the solar tree provides its visitors with free wi-fi access, as well as a place to rest and relax during a walk around Bucharest. The design also allows a harmonious integration into the urban landscape and supports responsible behavior towards the environment and the community.

“Solar trees are a very inventive way to use solar energy: a solar-powered tree is a green energy generator, but also a space to relax and connect, both online and physically. Sustainability is at the heart of our business and we are happy to be back with our partners with innovative and responsible solutions for the environment and the community on our way to a better future,” says Ileana Dumitru, Legal and Public Relations Director for BAT’s Central and Southern Europe Area.

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The solar devices installed in Bucharest (Unirii Square area, University Square area and IOR Park area) were made by TripAtelier and Mannebunit and represent a new invitation to be aware of the importance of simple gestures and to contribute, through small changes at hand, to protect the environment and the community.

In 2019, BAT Romania, the City Hall of Sector 3 and Green Academy have launched a first campaign in which 300 street ashtrays were installed for the selective collection of cigarette butts and their energy recovery. The campaign was further developed in Constanța and Iași, with other cities to join in the future.

In 2020, BAT announced a target to achieve zero carbon dioxide emissions from its own activities by 2030 and emissions from its own value chain by 2050.

Edited for English