Bookstore chain Diverta files for insolvency

Diverta Sursa foto: Facebook

The bookstore chain Diverta, the largest integrated retailer in the field of books, stationery, and toys, has filed for insolvency after incurring heavy losses as a result of being forced to close all its bookstores amid the pandemic, writes

The company through which the insolvency request was submitted and which operates the bookstore chain has gone from a turnover of 64.3 million lei and a net profit of 63,474 lei in the previous year, with 214 employees, to a turnover of 38.9 million lei and losses of 10.7 million lei, with 156 employees, and total debts increased from 33.2 million lei to 33.9 million lei.

The insolvency request was submitted after several requests for approval of enforcement and payment orders were submitted against the company by different suppliers, also indicates.

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If approved by the court, this will be the second insolvency of the chain, after the one in 2010, then triggered by the global financial crisis.

Diverta was founded in 1999 by Radu Octavian. Today, Diverta has a network of 25 stores nationwide.

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