Cluj opens first drive-through vaccination center

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A drive-through vaccination center against coronavirus opens on Monday at 1 pm in Cluju, reports.

The announcement comes from the office of the prefect Tasnadi Szilard, who is also the chairman of the County Committee for Emergency Situations. The center, the only one of this type in CLuj, is set in the parking lot of the “Horia Demian” Sports Hall in Cluj-Napoca, and will open on Monday at 1 pm, and the center will remain open seven days a week, between 8 am and 8 pm. The center will be using the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine.

The decision to open this center was taken yesterday in the County Committee for Emergency Situations in Cluj.

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Vaccination does not require an appointment, but it is recommended to download and complete the triage form, so as to reduce the wait times. “The mechanism will be very easy, you will put out your arm from the car and get the shot, then park and wait for another 15 minutes to check for side effects, if necessary, and to issue the vaccination certificate. All this process will be according to the legislation in force, regarding the vaccination process “, Tasnadi explained for

The chairman of the National Committee for Coordinating Activities on Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, Valeriu Gheorghiţă, said on Monday that the first drive-thru anti-COVID immunization centers will be operational by the end of April, according to Agerpres. He stated at Digi FM radio station that people who will be vaccinated in these centers will receive the Pfizer vaccine, and no prior appointment will be required.

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