Consumer protection agency to sets up Energy Command to check whether suppliers apply capping and compensation

bec, lumina, curent, energie electrica, bani, factura Sursa foto: Pixabay

The National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) announces that it is setting up the Energy Command, through which it will check complaints from citizens who claim that suppliers have issued them with incorrect bills, not including capping and compensation measures, or with higher consumption.

This specially created structure will bring together commissioners from all over the country, with additional control teams being set up in areas where the number of complaints from citizens is higher so that the necessary checks can be carried out quickly.

Also, the existence of the Command, under the direct coordination of the ANPC President Mihai Culeafă and Director General Paul Anghel, will quickly manage the volume of information received from all over the country, following controls, and will ensure collaboration with other state institutions empowered to solve problems highlighted by the control, when they exceed ANPC’s competences, the institution says.

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The Energy Command will remain in force until 31 March 2022, the deadline for the implementation of Law 259/2021, which provides for the capping and compensation of energy bills.

The ANPC reminds consumers of the steps they should take when they receive a bill they consider incorrect:

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– check that the amount of consumption included in the bill is within the limits of the contract

– check that the unit price for consumption measured after 1 November 2021 is a maximum of 0.525 lei/kWh for electricity and 0.25 lei/kWh for gas so that the total price including all charges does not exceed 1 leu/kWh for electricity and 0.37 lei/kWh for gas

– there is a compensated/paid price heading on the energy bill after 1 November 2021.

If consumers find that at least one of these situations is true for the bills they have received, they should contact the respective energy supplier for clarification.

If this is not resolved favorably, consumers can lodge a complaint online or in writing (by post or personal delivery to the offices of the County Commissioners for Consumer Protection, the addresses of which can be found on the website It must be accompanied by a copy of the invoice and a copy of the supplier’s reply to the consumer’s complaint.

To improve communication with consumers on electricity and gas issues, a dedicated telephone number and e-mail address will be in operation throughout this period.

For complaints, consumers are invited to call the normal telephone number 021.307.67.89 from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. or to visit the e-mail address .