Economic map in the first seven months of the year: more than 65,000 companies have been established, most of them in the Bucharest-Ilfov region, construction companies rank first among the newly created companies

santier, constructii, Timis santier Sursa foto: Inquam Photos, Cornel Putan

In the first 7 months of 2021, 65,458 companies were established, 4,545 went into insolvency and 26,034 were deregistered according to an analysis by the portal. Country-wide, at the top of newly established companies rank construction companies – until July this year, a total of 5,277 such companies were established.

Most newly established firms are in the Bucharest-Ilfov region (17,627 firms), followed by the North-West with 8,993 firms and the North-East with 7,349.

Companies that do retail trade through order houses or via the internet (CAEN 4791) occupy the first place in Bucharest-Ilfov, and construction firms (CAEN 4120) in the North-West and North-East.

Analize Economedia

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Top insolvencies

So far, the most insolvent firms are in the North-West region of the country – with construction firms topping the list of insolvencies (CAEN 4120), followed by transport (CAEN 4941) and bars (CAEN 5630). Bucharest-Ilfov ranks second in the insolvency ranking, only 6 firms behind, with 1,032 companies in insolvency. Of these, 76 are construction firms, 48 are restaurants and 38 are non-specialized retail trade firms.

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More than 6,000 firms deregistered

In Bucharest-Ilfov, 6,564 firms have been deregistered, of which the most are construction firms – 110, followed by those retailing through order-books or via the internet – 109 and firms providing business and management consultancy – 99. Of the 26,034 firms deregistered in total in the first 7 months of 2021, almost 70% were more than 5 years old, 12% between 3-5 years, 13.51% between 1-3 years and only 5.36% of firms were between 0-1 year old.

The top by sectors

At the level of the whole country, construction companies are in first place in the list of newly established companies – up to July this year, a total of 5,277 such companies were established, according to analysis. In second place are transport firms (4,040 companies) and in third place are those that do retail trade via order houses or the internet (3,769 companies).

Construction firms also top the list of insolvencies nationwide, followed by transport firms and those retailing in non-specialised shops, selling mainly food, drinks and tobacco.