Electrica Furnizare promises to retroactively grant customers bill compensations provided by law

energie electrica, curent, retea electrica, stalp Sursa foto: Parlamentul European

Electrica Furnizare promises customers that it will retroactively and fully grant them the facilities provided by law on capping and compensation of energy bills, after previously sending the bills for November without including them.

“Taking into account both the provisions of GEO 118/2021 as amended and supplemented by Law no. 259/2021 and GEO 130/2021, and Law no. 226/2021 on the facilities granted to electricity and natural gas consumers for the payment of bills related to the cold season, Electrica Furnizare has started a series of optimizations of the billing information system that will allow the highlighting in the energy bills of compensation, capping, exemption from payment and protection measures for vulnerable consumers. Thus, although the electricity and natural gas invoices issued by Electrica Furnizare for consumption between November 2021 and December 2021 do not currently contain information on capping, compensation, exemption from payment and protection measures for vulnerable consumers, the company assures its customers that they will benefit from the facilities provided by law for the entire period of their application. The facilities not granted from the beginning of November 2021 until now will be offered to our customers, retroactively and in full, after the reading of the energy metering equipment, once the consumption for the entire period of application of the support measures, i.e. November 2021-March 2022, has been settled,” a press release from the electricity supplier reads.

The company’s representatives say that, in order to support customers, a dedicated page has been created to inform them about the facilities granted to electricity and natural gas consumers.

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