Government sets up inter-ministerial energy committee to find out why energy has become expensive and possible solutions

Electrica, energie electrica Sursă: Facebook/Electrica

Prime Minister Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă has decided to set up the Interministerial Committee on Energy, a structure aimed at identifying solutions to limit the increase in energy prices, the Government announced in a press release.

The main tasks of the Interministerial Committee are to determine the causes of the increase in energy prices and to highlight possible solutions applicable in the short, medium, and long term to limit the increase in energy prices, the Executive said.

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The Committee will include representatives of the Prime Minister’s Chancellery, the General Secretariat of the Government, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance, and the National Agency for Mineral Resources.

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Representatives of the Competition Council, the National Energy Regulatory Authority, the Electricity, and Natural Gas Market Operator “OPCOM” S.A., the Romanian Commodities Exchange S.A., as well as representatives of energy producers, transporters and suppliers, employers’ and trade union confederations, associations and academics participate in the meetings of the Committee as permanent guests.