OMV Petrom employees take to the streets again. What the employees demand: “Wages that do not lag behind the work we do and the rising costs of living”

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Hundreds of OMV Petrom employees, members of the Petrom National Trade Union, are continuing the protests started on 22 December 2021 and will picket again on Wednesday, 29 December, between 10:00 and 12:00, the Petrom City headquarters in Bucharest and the OMV Petrom asset offices, Agerpres reports.

The employees will picket the Petrom City headquarters in Bucharest and the OMV Petrom assets in Crișana-Banat (Suplacu de Barcău), Oltenia (Craiova), Muntenia Vest (Pitești), Muntenia (Ploiești), Moldova (Buzău) and the Petrobrazi refinery.

OMV Petrom employees say they are disappointed by the differences between the press statements made by company representatives and the actual level of the offer made during the negotiations of the new Collective Labour Agreement, which is far below the evolution of prices and inflation.

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“All our members act in good faith, working with dedication for the good of the company. Whether working from home, taking on new tasks, or working thousands of hours of overtime that went unpaid, we have all worked hard throughout this period to support the good results confirmed by the company’s official reports. We are not asking for anything out of the ordinary! A favorable result for employees means respect for their work and protection of their purchasing power. It means wages that do not lag behind the work we do and the rising costs of living. It means a new Collective Bargaining Agreement”, said Elena Tănase, member of the Board of Directors of the Petrom National Trade Union.

According to the quoted source, the demands are about respect for the work and dedication shown, which led to the doubling of the company’s profits in the first 9 months, according to public reports.

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The protesters are demanding protection of purchasing power for a decent living, payment of overtime, provision of deductible aid, according to the law, of up to 400 lei to support monthly utility expenses for those who work from home, and protection of current rights.

“The current OMV Petrom employees’ Collective Bargaining Agreement expires in just a few days, on 31.12.2021 and we all want employees to continue to be protected, to have fair rights and benefits, guaranteed by a new Collective Bargaining Agreement,” said Marius Nicolae, member of the Board of Directors of the Petrom National Trade Union.

The number of picketers is limited by the laws in force and the entire protest program is adapted to the regulations and recommendations generated by the context created by the pandemic, with the protection and safety of the participants being a priority. The actions will continue until the requests are resolved.

The National Petrom Trade Union is a legally constituted trade union organization representing the interests of approximately 24,000 employees within the OMV Petrom Group and other companies such as Expert Petroleum SRL, Expert Petroleum Solutions S.R.L., Mazarine Energy, Dacian Petroleum, GSP Offshore, J.Christof E&P Services SRL, J.Christof Consulting SRL, Christof MB Well, Bonatti SpA Parma-Bucharest Branch, Dietscon O&M, Dietsmann SRL, Falck Fire Services SRL, Kraftanlagen Romania S.R.L., R&R Oil Services SRL, SWS Engineering &Consulting, for which it negotiates and concludes Collective Labour Agreements. The Petrom National Trade Union is affiliated to FSLI Petrol-Energie, the representative federation for the energy, oil and gas, and energy mining sector.

How OMV Petrom reacted to the employee grievances

In the context of the protests a week ago, OMV Petrom said in a message to that employee remuneration “is at competitive levels for the relevant oil and gas industry and includes fixed amount bonuses and special allowances under the Collective Labour Agreement, as well as other benefits such as private insurance scheme, holiday pay/paid days off or performance-related bonuses”.

“We will maintain the same competitive level in the future, an intention we have also expressed in the ongoing Collective Labour Agreement negotiations. We take into account the current economic context and the evolution of the company and we want to reach a favorable outcome for our employees as soon as possible. We rely on the good faith of our union partners to conclude the negotiations with a good outcome for all parties involved,” according to the source quoted.