The Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) has simplified the procedure for concluding electricity supply contracts and replaced the obligation to present the ownership deed with a declaration on one’s own responsibility, Agerpres reports.
The ANRE approved, in the meeting of the Regulatory Committee on Wednesday, the Order of the President of the National Energy Regulatory Authority no. 82/2021 for the amendment and completion of the Regulation on the supply of electricity to final customers, approved by the Order of the President of the National Energy Regulatory Authority no. 235/2019.
The main changes and measures provided in the Regulation for the supply of electricity to final customers refer to the flexibility of the process of concluding electricity supply contracts by final customers, by eliminating the need to present / submit to the provider the customer of right-of-use documents at the conclusion the contract for the supply of electricity and the introduction of declarations on one’s own responsibility regarding the right to use the space.
Thus, the conclusion of the electricity supply contract is made on the basis of: the agreement of the applicant expressed in writing, related to the request for the conclusion of the contract, or by telephone, according to the legal provisions in force; copy of the identity document/registration certificate at the National Office of the Trade Register of the applicant; the declaration on the applicant’s own responsibility regarding the possession of a housing right, specifying its quality (owner / co-owner, sole heir, co-heir, husband, tenant, the beneficiary of a life annuity, etc.); on the fact that there are no housing disputes regarding the space for which the contract is requested and, if the contrary proves true, the expression of the agreement for the termination of the contract, with the possibility of updating the declaration, if necessary, both by means of distance communication, as well as by tacit agreement.
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Another change concerns the details of the content of the standard offer and the content of the offer in the electricity supply contract regarding the included price elements, as specified in Annex no. 1 of Directive (EU) 2019/944 of the Parliament European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on common rules for the internal market in electricity and amending Directive 2012/27 / EU.
A standard supply offer published by the supplier on its website and at the single point of contact cannot be modified during its validity period, and the final customer can conclude the electricity supply contract based on the standard offer if the date the transmission by the final customer of the request for the conclusion of the contract based on the standard offer is during the validity period of the standard offer and the conditions provided therein are met, as the case may be.
At the same time, the consumption agreement concluded by the supplier with the final customer becomes mandatory, the consumption data entered into will be used for the invoicing of distribution services in case the index of the measuring equipment is not read / self-read; the consumption data transmitted to the supplier by the distribution operator shall be established by the distribution operator, as the case may be, on the basis of the electricity consumption recorded at the place of consumption in the similar period of the previous year or the electricity consumption determined taking into account recent readings made by the distribution operator; the specific consumption profile, determined by the distribution operator for the respective category of the final customer if there is no consumption history for the place of consumption.
Distribution grid operators have the obligation to ensure free access to each end customer and its supplier to the information in the database by accessing their web pages so that each end customer can access their own consumption history.