The value of the main renovation and capital repair works for the railway infrastructure necessary to be carried out in the next five years amounts to 5.58 billion lei, Agerpres reports, citing official documents. Of this amount, 4.07 billion lei are for current and direct lines, and 1.05 billion lei for other infrastructure elements, according to the draft Government Decision on approving the activity and performance contract of the National Railway Company CFR SA for the period 2021 – 2025.
For the current year, the project provides for the necessary capital renewal / repair works the total amount of 361.57 million lei, of which 200.20 million lei for 70 kilometers of current and direct lines. For bridges, footbridges and viaducts 38.97 million lei should be allocated this year, for embankments 62.18 million lei, and for 267.6 meters of tunnels 25.6 million lei.
The six installations have a need of 24.07 million lei in 2021.
The document provides for capital renewal / repair works of the public railway infrastructure that must be carried out in the next five years within the allocated funds. Thus, until 2025, their total value amounts to only 337.46 million lei, and for 2021 to only 63.85 million lei. Of the total, until 2025, within the limit of budgetary funds, 188.88 million lei could be spent for current and direct lines, and in 2021 only 28.74 million lei for 9.9 kilometers.
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According to the draft normative act, the program of progressive recovery of arrears on renovation works is focused on the renewal of current and direct lines (refurbishment), which will generate maximum effects in terms of increasing train performance.
The program aims at the progressive annual increase of the length of the current and direct lines, up to a level higher than the annual rate of exceeding the due dates. The maximization of the effects regarding the increase of the traffic speed allowed by the railway infrastructure is ensured by the complementarity of this program with the program of recovery of the arrears regarding the current repairs.
The program for the progressive recovery of arrears on renovation works also includes ensuring a reasonable pace of recovery of arrears in respect of the renewal of other critical elements of the railway infrastructure (works of art, embankments, installations, etc.) critical consequences on train performance for reasons of traffic safety. The renovation works of other critical elements of the railway infrastructure (…) aim to eliminate the existing speed restrictions and to significantly reduce the pace of other limitations of train speeds “, it is shown in Annex 5 to the project.
The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure published, on Tuesday, the draft Government Decision regarding the approval of the Activity and Performance Contract of the National Railway Company CFR SA for the period 2021-2025.
According to the description of the regulation, the proposed normative act submits to the Government for approval the activity and performance contract of CFR SA for the period 2021-2025, and is concluded between the company, on the one hand, and the ministry, on the other hand.