The debt of the public administration (government debt) rose, at the end of the first five months of 2021, to approximately 527.5 billion lei, compared to 526.7 billion lei, after the first four months, according to data centralized by the Ministry of Finance.
In relation to GDP, government debt fell to 49.7% of GDP at the end of May, from 49.9% of GDP at the end of April.
The medium and long term debt amounts to 510.9 billion lei and the short term debt to 16.5 billion lei.
Most of this debt, respectively 447.276 billion lei, was represented by government securities, while loans amount to 72.43 billion lei.
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An amount of 249.2 billion lei is government debt in lei, 235.9 billion lei is government debt in euros and 40.8 billion lei equivalent debt in US dollars.
According to data from the Ministry of Public Finance, the external debt of the public administration amounts to 266.1 billion lei (25.1% of GDP), of which 261.5 billion lei external debt of the central public administration and 4.6 billion lei external debt of local public administration.
The debt of the central public administration amounted to 511.8 billion lei, of which 495.3 billion lei in the medium and long term. Most of the central government debt is contracted in lei (237.5 billion lei) and euro (231.9 billion lei, equivalent).
The debt of the local public administration amounted to 15.73 billion lei, at the end of May 2021, of which 15.71 billion lei in the medium and long term.