Study: almost half of Romanians planning to go on vacation in 2021. The main concerns are related to the pandemic

grecia, vacanta, turism, santorini Sursa foto: Pexels/Aleksandar Pasaric

After months of restrictions and a health crisis, almost half of Romanians (43%) say they intend to travel this year, according to a Mercury Research study quoted by an online travel agency. As for the desired destinations, European countries remain amongst the favorites, Agerpres notes.

On the list of concerns related to traveling, Romanians ranked highest the fear of being placed in mandatory quarantine when returning home, flight cancellations, losing their money, or getting infected with the new coronavirus. Alternatively, those who don’t intend to travel this year are most concerned about getting a COVID-19 infection, whilst those answering undecided said they are most concerned with being placed in isolation, followed by COVID-19 infections,  and the possibility of flight cancellations.

According to the analyzed data, 29% of the respondents state that they are still undecided on whether they will travel or not, and only 27% state that they are not going to travel this year. On the other hand, more than half (53%) intend to resume traveling starting this summer, says.

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The most important factors pushing Romanians to plan a vacation in 2021 are the need to relax and to release the stress they’ve been exposed to lately, followed by the discounted last-minute offers, but also the frustration caused by having to put off traveling during 2020.  In terms of the most sought-out destinations, European countries remain favorites, a preference, especially among younger people, while those 45 and older prefer to do their vacation in Romania.

In terms of services that would make them feel safe and protected during their trip, most respondents ranked traveling medical insurance first (66%), while 57% of people who use online booking agencies find most important the possibility of getting reimbursed for their accommodation and airfare in case that they are not able to travel.

The Mercury Research study was conducted in early February on a sample of 616 respondents.

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