The budgets of the Rabla Classic and Rabla Plus programs will be increased by 200 million lei each in the coming period, informs the Administration of the Environment Fund (AFM), according to Agerpres.
The Rabla Plus Programs will receive an additional budget from 21 August, the Rabla Classic Program will have 200 million lei more from 28 August.
According to the cited source, the amount allocated to the Rabla Plus Program in 2020 was 200 million lei, while for the current year the budget is tripled, namely 600 million lei, resulting in a total budget for 2020 and 2021 of 800 million lei.
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Also, for the Classic Rabla Program, the rate of registrations has remained high, leading to the allocation of new amounts. For this programme, the amount allocated in 2020 was 405 million lei, and in 2021, as a result of this increase, the allocated budget is 640 million lei.
The provisions for the increase of the allocated amounts in 2021 by 200 million lei for the two programs starting from 21 August for the Rabla Plus Program and from 28 August for the Rabla Classic Program are published on the AFM website.