The G4media team launches Economedia, an independent publication focused on business and innovation

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Bucharest, March 18, 2021— An event in the Romanian media landscape: Economedia, a brand new online business publication centered towards entrepreneurship, public policy, and innovation launches today. The independent project is a G4Media brand and is based on quality content, such as the readers have come to expect from the founding team.

Economedia promotes the free-market economy, fair competition and the culture of innovation, free initiative in the economy, the major global economic trends, and their impact on the economic environment.

From the very first day the site was accessible, users were able to read an exclusive analysis on the real number of employees in the public-sector in Romanian and the impact on public spending, exclusive details about the economic projects that would be financed by the €30 billion EU funds, and news about the graphite ore waiting to be exploited.

Analize Economedia

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The editor-in-chief of the publication is Elena Dacu, one of the most powerful voices of the younger generation in business journalism. She brings a forward-looking vision based on values such as transparency, digitalization, mobility, and entrepreneurship.

“Economedia is the voice of the business environment, of entrepreneurs, of the people who create, who innovate, and bring added value to society,” said Elena Dacu, editor-in-chief of Economedia.

Urmărește mai jos producțiile video ale Economedia:

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Economedia will focus on the following sections: entrepreneurship, public policy, infrastructure, agriculture/food, technology/AI, automotive, EU money, green energy, analysis. The site will also host opinion articles signed by specialists in various fields.

The timing of the launch is not a chance occurrence but is at exactly three years after the launching of G4Media, a project that managed to establish itself as a credible voice through an editorial policy based solely on quality content, news, analysis, and investigations carried out by journalists with high professional standards, thus managing to retain a premium audience. During 2020, G4Media had over 141 million views, 18.7% more than in 2019.

“Economedia will host verified information, exclusivities, analysis, and interviews on major issues concerning Romania’s development. We are following global and European trends, because the world is changing at an unprecedented pace, and it is entrepreneurs who keep Romania connected to the world. Together with them, we will discover the economically viable solutions, together with them we will be extremely watchful on how public money is being spent,” said Cristian Pantazi.

“We made a promise to the public since the launch of G4Media: that we will deliver relevant and verified content, without click-bait, without interference, political or otherwise. We are responsible only to our readers, exclusively. Economedia is the continuation of the entrepreneurial story that began 3 years ago, and in the future, if the public will continue to support us by reading and appreciating the content we produce, we will cover other niches with dedicated media products ”, said Dan Tăpălagă.

This new media product is in the super-premium segment and will not be running automated bidding advertisements or ads that are not first verified.

Relationships with the major media agencies and advertising clients have been entrusted to the specialized company Thinkdigital, while special communications projects will be managed both in collaboration with the sales representative and directly by the commercial team of Economedia.

For more information, please contact Cristian Drumcea, Sales Manager | 072 240 8071 |


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